The “Revelations from the Otherworld” Series - What I’ve Been Working On…
While short stories are fun, I spend most my time working on a paranormal fantasy series I have a goal to publish. The series is loosely based around the four horsemen of the apocalypse and is set in a religious/fantasy world with every creature you can imagine existing.
The series will follow the following titles:
The Monster You Meet (Novella)
The Monster You Wake
The Monster You Save
The Monster You Feed (Novella)
The Monster You Stop
The Monster You Kill
Currently the ‘The Monster You Wake’ is fully written and I have been pitching it to literary agents. Due to feedback I’ve received from a recent rejection, I’ve put this story back into editing and am now writing up a 20,000 word novella called, ‘The Monster You Meet’.
This novella may, or may not be self-published. I’m currently looking into it and what it would take. One of my biggest concerns about self publishing is that it might stop me from being traditionally ‘trad’ published in the future.
I will let you know how I go. Maybe I’ll do a Self Publish vs Trad Publish blog post to talk about my findings.
Wish me luck!